Each one of us has dreams and desires. We meet many such people in our life who talk about the dreams they had to forget to keep pace with daily life. On the other hand, we also come across people who have changed their dreams into reality. The factors that determine the path of our life lies within us.

Willpower is the most decisive factor that works like magic in us. Though it doesn’t acquire the status of energy form in the book of science, its power is witnessed variably in different spheres of life. In this article, I am making an effort to find a scientific base for Willpower. Science is generally looked upon as a systematically organized body of knowledge. Willpower also follows a pattern to turn dreams and desires into reality.

Finding the strings that can relate Willpower with a scientific phenomenon can help us to realize that the saying, where there is a will, there is a way has a scientific base, and efforts can make it genuinely happen.

How can we relate Quantum Coherence with Will Power?

It is a magical finding that the quantum particles stay in more than one place at a time. It can move in more than one path at a time. This property is called ‘Quantum Coherence.’ Quantum particles are non-local. That means quantum particles or waves don’t belong to one place only. Quantum potential lies in this non-locality. It makes the quantum particles or waves participatory. Their participatory nature helps the Universe work for the observer in his absence in a particular place, at a certain point in time. 

The human body has a quantum field. Kirlian photography speaks of change in the ray’s color of quantum field of human as per the state of mind.  In light of this reality, we can say that  there are possibilities of thoughts and desires containing electromagnetic energy.

This energy may delve deep at the quantum level to generate particles from the strings present in hidden dimensions and create new realities in life by following the string theory. In such a case, we can get a base to believe that a person’s consciousness may participate in an event taking place far away from where he is.

Willpower makes thoughts and desires more energetic. It may enable the thoughts and wishes to travel far and pave a way to transform the dream into reality.

How Double-slit experiment gives hope that our thoughts can find ways to travel with the desired purpose?

A Double-slit experiment was done with the quantum (smallest unit)  of light energy known as ‘Photon.’ In this experiment, a screen with two thin slits was placed. The photons of light or subatomic particles like electrons were fired towards the screen one after another. A photographic plate placed at a distance from the screen captured the images of this happening to understand the hitting pattern of the photons.

The photographs captured by the photographic plate show that the photon entered in the first slit-like particle, and there was an image of a wave from the first slit to the second one. It proves that the photon entered in the form of a wave through another slit. In the case of a single slit, the photon tends to flow as a particle only.

Light has electromagnetic energy. The Double-slit experiment proved that the quantum of light (photon) determines its form and flowing nature as per the possibilities. It exhibits a sort of intelligence while flowing to avail all the options. Like photons, the thoughts and desires powered by Willpower may have electromagnetic energy that contributes to forming the electromagnetic field found surrounding the human body.

The particles generated by this energy can travel far and pave their way to turn dreams into reality, just like the photons in the double-slit experiment flowed in do different patterns acquiring two various forms to avail all the possibilities. Suppose science could gift any device to experience it through scientific means.

In that case, many people battling with depression get a solid base to believe and work on themselves to create better realities in life that can increase the world’s happiness index.

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