Thought is a term we frequently use in our day-to-day life. Quantum field is a term used in quantum science. We, the ordinary people, are not much aware of the term quantum field. But our body has a quantum field, and the energy of this field interacts with other energy forms.
So, there must be some significant effect of this field in our life. If this field connects with thoughts, then humankind deserves such gift from modern science that can help us visualize our life in light of our thoughts and the quantum field.
Not only ours but other’s thoughts and quantum fields may also affect our lives due to the interaction between quantum energies. This article focuses on the possibilities of the relation between the quantum field and human thoughts that can eventually facilitate humankind.
What is a quantum field?
We can call it the outline of gravity for the convenience of understanding. If our planet is scratched out of space, a field with an outline of gravity will still remain there. It is the quantum field.
How can we relate the quantum field and thoughts?
The Quantum field produces virtual particles on its own. These particles get created in pairs in the form of matter and antimatter. They usually don’t last for a long time. They take birth and dissolve rapidly. It is a continuous ongoing process.
We can compare it to those endless thoughts or desires that emerge in our minds every second. Almost all of them pop up and dissolve as our minds run to catch some other thoughts instead of investing energy or concentrating on previously emerged thoughts.
Most of the time, a thought arises to discard the previous one. It keeps on emerging and dissolving in us as the crackers cracks by and by. It is difficult to have control over their emergence and dissolution. Instead of trying to control them, our minds flow with them. These thoughts seem to have attributes similar to the virtual particles that emerge and rapidly dissolve in a quantum field.
How the virtual particles and the thoughts attain stability?
The virtual particles gain stability when they receive extra energy from any source. This stability may lead to the formation of new realities in life. The realities that we can experience through our physical senses. Particles may combine to create atoms, and atoms combine to create physical realities in life.
What could be this additional source of energy that may create new realities? In human beings, we can say that willpower, concentration, and effort can be that extra energy source that makes the dream possible and turns them into reality. Our thoughts seem to have similar attributes to virtual particles.
If science helps to prove their relation technically, then we can be confident that we can create new realities in our life. This understanding can motivate us to develop effective ways to control our thoughts and save energy from disintegrating. It can finally guide us to concentrate on productive thoughts.
The knowledge that thoughts are like virtual particles that emerge in the body’s quantum field can help us think about the conservation of thought energy similarly to conserving other energy forms. Conservation of thought energy can gift beautiful gifts to humankind.
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