There is a significant similarity between the Universe and us. An enlightened human brain exactly looks like a sky filled with stars. Universe has also grown up just as we grow from the infant to adult stage.

The Universe’s birth is like a story of a baby who struggles hard to come out of the mother’s womb. This article will focus on those points that show that the Universe has grown up to this gigantic state from a baby form. I intend to give a feel to the readers that the Universe is alive. 

What created the Universe?

There are quite a few theories found about the creation of the Universe. We have heard about the Big Bang theory from our school days. Big Bang means loud sound.

Does it mean that the Universe has been created with a loud sound? Air carries the sound. In space, there is no air. Then how is it possible to have a loud sound there at the birth time of the Universe? Vedic literature says a big and bright ball of fire created the Universe. It is termed as ‘Hiranyagarbha’ in Vedic literature.

Does the giant fireball suddenly emerge and create the Universe?

Nothing in this Universe happens suddenly. The realities are always in the making. They are noticed much later at their final stage, and we feel that the events happen suddenly. All the energy that created the ball of fire was there in emptiness. Indian yogis call it ‘Shunya.’ The energy that created the Universe kept on getting accumulated in emptiness. So emptiness is the womb from which Universe took birth. 

Where do the birthmarks of the Universe exist?

The stretch marks created at the birth of the Universe are present in the early structure of space-time. These stretch marks prove that Universe has taken birth as a baby. The COBE satellite has observed those birthmarks.

These birthmarks are like pictorial writing of ancient Egypt. The ‘News Week’ magazine termed these marks on space-time as ‘The handwriting of God.’ These marks are like faint lines drawn by an artist with a pencil at the initial stage of creating a painting. Initially, the Universe was smaller than an atom.

The phenomenon of its expansion could be understood when studied from the quantum level. In a mother’s womb, only one cell containing DNA develops into a baby and then into a grown-up individual. In such a way the universe also grew up from a tiny to a gigantic form.

The Hubble telescope gave substantial proof that billions of stars’ mass energy lay packed in a Black hole. Our Universe was in the same form at its primary stage.

Watching galaxies through the Hubble telescope is like entering into a time machine. We can see the light of those galaxies through this telescope, which usually takes 100 crore years to reach the earth. These galaxies present the primary structure of our Universe. 

The Universe has taken birth from the womb of emptiness. Its birthmarks are found as stretch marks in space-time. The universal energy remains with us always as we are part of the Universe. What else is needed to feel that the Universe is alive and we have a strong bonding with it?

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