Sharing thoughts, sorrows, happiness, problems, and seeking advice are our common needs. So we look for companions. Death of a companion or partner, reasons related to earning a livelihood or separations due to personal disputes, and many other factors make a person feel lonely.
In the case of older people, feelings of insecurity and depression usually add to it, making the situation more complicated. It is painful; when we feel lonely and drastically look for something to spend time on and still find it difficult to forget the unnecessary worries that haunt us despite trying various means to keep our minds busy.
Watching social media or reading something too seems to be of no use. In this article, I am trying to give a vision to feel connected to the rest of the world and beat the negative thoughts that emerge from loneliness.
Vision to gain freedom from loneliness
Let me start with this saying of Albert Einstein;
“A human being is the part of the whole called by us ‘Universe’… a whole part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings as separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his own consciousness. This delusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
Everything in this world is made of energy. So, we are the form of energy. The first law of thermodynamics says energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transformed into another form. So those who have left us reside in this universe in a different energy form. Change is inevitable in life, and time has given them another form. Instead of grieving for them, we can feel connected to them, adding an activity to our daily routine in their name.
There will be a day when we will also change into some other energy form. Though we do not know what energy form we will be transformed into, we can plan to do something to feel our connection to other living beings like birds, animals, and plants. Adding such activity to our routine can give us a chance to break through the limitation of staying connected only to human beings and remaining trapped in the memory of the persons we know.
Our thoughts and desires are like seeds having possibilities to germinate and transform into trees. Delving deep into our hearts and identifying those creative desires that have been left aside due to other responsibilities and finding ways to fulfill it can get us involved in a work of our choice.
Where do we go after death? Where do we come from? Do all experiences gained in life vanish after death? If such questions come to the mind, then it is giving us signals to gain philosophical knowledge about the soul or the ‘Self.’ In such a situation, we can divert the mind from worries by gaining knowledge about our existence by reading the philosophical books on the soul or the ‘Self.’
Our body is a house, and the energy residing in it is the real doer of things. This energy has no limitations of age and physical boundaries, and it can find ways to experience something new every day. With this approach to life, we can become conscious about keeping ourselves healthy to explore the world we haven’t explored yet.
Core Vision
Loneliness is a state of mind. We feel lonely because we keep our consciousness restricted to a small area or a group of people throughout our life. The activities that make us conscious about our actual form and our relationship with the rest of the world give us freedom, resulting in a rise in the level of consciousness.
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